Chris Rock Talks About His Porn Addiction in Standup Act

In one of Chris Rock’s standup shows, he opened up about his own porn addiction, stating that it was desensitizing and that he went into rehab.

[Timecode: 00:00 to 00:43]

Chris Rock: I was addicted to porn. [pause] I know, billion dollar industry –  just me, right? [laughter] I was addicted to porn, you know… And, you know, I was 15 minutes late everywhere. I got some witnesses. And when you watch too much porn, you know what happens? Here’s what happens: You become like sexually autistic. You develop like sexual autism. You have a hard time with eye contact and verbal cues.

[Timecode: 00:57 to 01:01]

CR: And what happens to you, you watch to much porn, you get desensitized, you know.

[Timecode: 01:34 to 01:39]

CR: I’m good now, man. I had to go to rehab. Get the porn patch. [laughter]

In other standup acts Chris speaks directly to women in the audience saying that their men have been “watching porno since he was 12 years old.”

We at The Third Talk® invite all parents to watch our Youth Testimonials of young people who struggled with porn addiction after being exposed as young as nine years old. We offer a real world solution to this problem. Please subscribe to our eBook and Video Series and follow John Van Arnam’s proven method for talking to your kids about how and why to avoid these dangers.

John has a 22-year history protecting children from viewing explicit online material and is the creator of the Parent’s Guide, the eBook and Video Series that helps parents initiate this difficult conversation with their kids.

We also invite you to watch and read our Parent and Professional Testimonials and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for the many videos we create covering this topic. This is exactly the conversation we are having; it needs to be parents, and we’re here to help you have that conversation.

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