Subject matter experts The Third Talk Inc. today announced the release of their Wake-Up Parents! video, a first-of-its-kind depiction of the trauma that online pornography can cause young people. This video, told from the standpoint of 18-year-olds, is important, heart-wrenching, and vitally necessary in an effort to combat what has become a destructive issue affecting children and teens, that was completely unknown to previous generations. The video launch comes at the exact moment that Billie Eilish, world-renowned singer-songwriter, revealed the very same trauma she herself experienced when first exposed to explicit online pornography at age 11.

“We could not be more grateful to Billie Eilish for her bravery,” said John Van Arnam, Founder of The Third Talk™. “Her stepping up and sharing her experience out loud could mean more children across the country and around the world can safely acknowledge their viewing of this content, without the shame and blame that accompanies those admonitions.”

“Most parents don’t realize how young their children are when they first see pornography online,” said Van Arnam. “It is not just something that some children will see, it is explicit hardcore sexual media that ALL children will see.”

“This material is severely debilitating for our young people.” continued Van Arnam. “It can actually alter and damage a child’s physical brain, impair their emotional health, and dramatically impact their ability to thoughtfully engage in real life with others in adolescence and even into adulthood, robbing them of what should be a healthy journey towards maturity.” In working with youth and their parents, The Third Talk™ hopes to break the silence adults tend to have on this subject and help guide them through the discomfort of initiating a “pornography prevention” conversation in their own homes. “Parents need to have this discussion by age 7,” said Van Arnam, “and we have a guide that will help them do that.”

Because of the multitude of ways this content causes what is sometimes irreparable harm to children, pornography consumption by children and teenagers could be considered one of the most important health-based challenges our society has ever faced. “Again, I am so grateful to Billie Eilish for her bravery” continued Van Arnam, “I am hopeful she sparks a revolution surrounding this topic for young people. We’ll be standing by ready to help the parents.”

High resolution photos and video available at

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