Emma Thompson Talks about Her Daughter’s Generation and Porn

In a discussion with Beth Rigby at Sky News about her movie “Good Luck to You Leo Grande”, Emma Thompson talks the female experience of sexuality today versus her experience and her mother’s experience.

[Timecode: 10:36 to 14:39]

Emma Thompson: I think that it’s absolutely true that my mother’s generation had a completely different entry into sort of sexual life compared to my generation… 60s, 70s. I was born in ’59. And then my daughter’s generation. Those three generations of women, it’d be very interesting to do something about the three…

Beth Rigby: But it’s gotten better for your daughter?

ET: I hope so. I mean I think some things have… I think some things are worse… when I hear stories in school about boys and what they expect from girls.

BR: What do you mean?

ET: I mean that the easy access to porn. You know, if you talk to young people about their sexual knowledge and what they expect, and what they think sex is, it can be very disturbing, indeed. And I think can interfere with their sexual development because it’s all been taken away, industrialized and fed back to them in a sort of completely indigestible form.

We at The Third Talk® invite all parents to watch our Youth Testimonials of young people who struggled with porn addiction after being exposed as young as nine years old. We offer a real world solution to this problem. Please subscribe to our eBook and Video Series and follow John Van Arnam’s proven method for talking to your kids about how and why to avoid these dangers.

John has a 22-year history protecting children from viewing explicit online material and is the creator of the Parent’s Guide, the eBook and Video Series that helps parents initiate this difficult conversation with their kids.

We also invite you to watch and read our Parent and Professional Testimonials and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for the many videos we create covering this topic. This is exactly the conversation we are having; it needs to be parents, and we’re here to help you have that conversation.

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